What Flower Seed Can Still Be Planted in July?

Time flies! It’s still possible to plant some flower seeds, even as July is upon us, and enjoy their blooms for months to come. Cosmos is a good example of such a flower. You don’t have to limit your enjoyment of their beauty to strictly summer months. These can be enjoyed into the fall.  

Cosmos don’t mind poor soil (at this point in the season, you may feel you need to help them along with manures and fertilizers, but no, skip these altogether). They do well with little water, requiring little or no irrigation. They thrive with full sun beating down on them! Be sure to pinch out the growing point when the plant is about 18 inches tall. This will help them to grow full and healthy (and have more flowering points). 

I’ve actually heard gardeners refer to the Cosmos Sensation as “a plant that likes to be ignored”!


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