Shasta Daisies – What To Do If They Don’t Bloom

Shasta Daisies are a favorite of most gardeners because they are very easy to grow, and despite their beauty, a very hardy plant. This includes being drought tolerant. It’s a perennial that attracts a variety of pollinators to the garden while providing lots of opportunities for you to use them in your vases throughout the growing season. 

That doesn’t mean, however, that you may not struggle at times to get them to bloom. Here are some common reasons for it.

  1. This flower blooms between July and September so make sure the timing is right for them to show off their white petals and bright yellow centers.
  2. Again, it’s a perennial, so it needs to be divided every 2 to 3 years. The older plants grow these woody centers causing fewer buds to bloom.
  3. Since this plant is so easy to grow, we need to be careful not to overfertilize it. High Nitrogen levels will cause a lack of flowering to occur. Their foliage may look green and healthy, but you will be disappointed with fewer blooms. 
  4. Shasta Daisies love the full sun! If they are planted where they are not getting enough sunlight, you’ll notice weak stems and minimal blooms. 
  5. Between 70 to 80 degrees is the temperature range that a Shasta Daisy will grow best in. High temps cause delayed blooming as well as freezing temps causing damage to new buds. Covering these plants in colder temps can protect them. 
  6. These beauties don’t enjoy standing water or very wet conditions. Don’t overwater. Also, make sure you have proper drainage around this one. Root rot can develop if the roots are too waterlogged. 

Good luck, gardeners! This one is worth your TLC!

Shasta Daisy

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