What Do I Plant In August?

The answer? Me!

That’s right! I’m being serious! At this point in the season, the only thing left for you to do is to “plant” yourself in the closest, most comfortable chair or recliner you can find and enjoy the rewards of all  your hard work.

For those of us that garden, the benefits of it have been proven to us time after time. I know that it reduces my stress, improves my mood and really helps me relax. Especially at this time of year when I can sit back and enjoy all the different colors, patterns and scents of my flowers. 

What a sense of achievement it gives to every one of us who planted, nurtured and are now admiring the fruits of our labors. I have to admit the physical part of this has been good for me as well. I always break up the toughest tasks (like carrying water cans and bending over to weed) into smaller time chunks so I’m not over-whelmed, but get somewhat of a workout. 

Please, everyone, enjoy what you’ve planted! This is the month to do it in when most of our flowers are still in full bloom. Here are a few pics (taken just two days ago) of some of my beauties! Check back tomorrow as I will have a few more additions. We can’t celebrate our hard work enough, and they may give you ideas of what to plant next year. 


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