Crevice Gardens

Who here has heard of such a thing?! I hadn’t. Not until a friend of mine told me about it when they saw the large number of cracks and crevices on my back patio. Personally, I’d already looked into the cost of repouring the concrete there to get rid of what I thought was an eyesore. I am now reconsidering that decision.

Some of us may have plants (or weeds) naturally growing in these cracks, but I decided for this coming season I am going to plant two specific flowers there and enjoy my “eyesore”. 

The two flowers I have chosen are Sweet William Pinks and Sweet Alyssum. These two will carpet your crevice garden with densely packed clusters of small flowers. They’re perfect for rock gardens, too. They thrive in both full sun or partial shade. They bloom from approximately May through September, so I can enjoy them for most of the season here. In fact, when the flowers start to fade, I’ve been told to mow them down with my lawnmower and they will start to flower all over again! Sweet Alyssum grows very fast, adding to its popularity. Their Petals of dark reds, bright pinks and snow whites will draw attention to this unique space. 

I can hardly wait until spring to see how my new “garden” grows! 

Sweet William Pink

Sweet Alyssum

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