Safety Precautions While Gardening

Now’s the time, during these slow winter months, to bone up on some safety tips we’ll want to be aware of when we’re gardening.

  1. Protect yourself from too much sun. Wearing sunscreen and a brimmed hat will do the trick.
  2. Stay hydrated. During those hot summer days, void dehydration by drinking plenty of water.
  3. Gardening is more physically demanding than most people think. Take breaks to avoid overdoing it, especially on the particularly hot days. 
  4. Always be aware of bees and snakes (or any potential hazard) in the area you’re working in. 
  5. Be careful as you lift heavy objects. Lift with your legs, avoid straining your back. Depending on our age, lifting a heavy water can, may be enough to cause back pain if not lifted correctly. 
  6. If you have a ladder or stool that you’re using, follow the safety guidelines for that product, and if I were you, I would have another person aware that some climbing is taking place in case of a fall.
  7. Follow the instructions when using any gardening tools, especially those fancy electric tools available today to make our jobs a whole lot easier.
  8. Wear gloves if you’re using any sharp objects to avoid any punctures or cuts to your hands. 
  9. Keep your children and pets away from any harmful substances. They’re prone to put lots of unusual items in their mouths. 

The bottom line is that in order to keep our gardens well-maintained, we need to use lots of tricks and tools! Always put safety first!


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