Native Plants to Minnesota

Each state in our great country provides different challenges to growing strong and beautiful flowers for the length of its growing season. Here are three of my favorites, native to Minnesota, that thrive in more extreme temperature swings. 

Black-eyed Susan

This is a perennial with bright yellow petals and a brownish-black center. Plant this one in spring to watch them bloom from between mid-June to September. This plant is low maintenance, loves full sun and only needs to be watered once a week.

Purple Coneflower

A perennial that is a pretty lavender shade with a brownish disc-like center. Plant this one in early spring, but make sure there is no longer any danger of a late frost. Also, Coneflowers can be planted in the fall, about 6 weeks before the first expected frost so their roots can get established. These beauties also attract butterflies, so that’s an extra plus!

Phlox Mix

Let’s throw in an annual. This one blooms in many different colors! Phlox has a sweet smell so it frequently attracts bees. It loves the full sun and a slightly more alkaline soil. They are great for the front row in your garden because they don’t often grow over a foot tall.  

Drop the name of your state in the comments and we’ll add a few favorites for you!


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