Part 2 of What Can I Still Plant in July

Many of you have had an ultra-busy summer! You’ve had to wait until late in July to get your garden started. I mentioned previously that the Cosmos Sensation would be a good flower to plant so late in the year, but like most gardeners, you want more variety. Read on. Here are four more suggestions for you “late bloomers”. 

At this point, if you want a quick payoff, avoid planting any perennials. The hot weather and soil may place too much stress on them. Instead try these four annuals.

Zinnia Canary Bird

The Zinnia Canary Bird and Zinnia Polar Bear are two fast-growing, long blooming possibilities. In fact, they will bloom, until the first frost. They love the full sun and don’t require much watering (just in case that busy summer doesn’t let up). 

Another two to try are these additional Cosmos varieties, the Cosmos Dazzler and the Cosmos Sulphur Dwarf Red. These both bloom with bright red petals, but the Dazzler is a large bloom at about 4 inches in diameter, while the Sulphur Red Dwarf has a much smaller bloom. If you’re short on time, these two need little attention (not much watering and they don’t wilt from the hot sun). 

Cosmos Dazzler

Give these options a try if you’d still like to get going with a flower garden yet this year. 


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