Why the Size of Your Flowers May Vary

There’s a lot of information available on what makes the size of your flowers increase.  Most of the information concerns the size of the container you have your flowers planted in and fertilizer needs. Fewer of us talk about how changes in the weather and humidity can also impact size.

Cooler temps, around 58 to 76 degrees Fahrenheit, will help increase the size of your blooms. On those days, there is less heat from the sun, leaving the petals to dry more slowly so the flower has a chance to bloom larger. Also, if the humidity is lower, the bloom will be larger. In consistently high humidity, the flower rots and falls more quickly.

Just food for thought. There’s nothing we can do to affect temperatures and humidity, once we’ve planted our flowers outdoors, but at least we’re more aware of why the size of the bloom may differ from month to month or season to season. 

The Black Eyed Susan blooms are from 6-9 inches in diameter.

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