Plant Hardiness Zones

Over the next two days, I am going to review information on what are called hardiness zones. These help us determine the plants that grow best in the climate where we reside. They were developed by the USDA (US Dept of Agriculture).   First off, there is a Plant Hardiness Zone Map. It divides the US […]

A Bit About … Back Eyed Susan Vine

Even though the Black Eyed Susan Vine looks very similar to the Black Eyed Susan, there are some very specific differences. This beauty can be found in the same sunny yellow, but also comes in orange and white. They all share the same dynamic black dome-like center, however. This plant can grow from about 5 […]

A Bit About … Black Eyed Susan

The Black Eyed Susan prefers full sun. Why not! The sun highlight its yellow petals and black-domed center. They’re so easy to grow, needing very little watering. This is a perennial that will continue to grace your garden for years. She blooms approximately June through August. What I love about including this flower in my […]

Safety Precautions While Gardening

Now’s the time, during these slow winter months, to bone up on some safety tips we’ll want to be aware of when we’re gardening. The bottom line is that in order to keep our gardens well-maintained, we need to use lots of tricks and tools! Always put safety first!

Favorite Flower Garden Photos 2022

I’m just taking a stroll down memory lane as I look forward to a new planting season! It’s always good to reflect on what worked well for your many garden areas … and what didn’t.  Reflect on your own successes as we all march headlong into 2023!

A Bit About … Bellflower Tussock

The Bellflower Tussock has the appearance of a delicate flower, but can tolerate some versatile conditions. It thrives in both full sun or partial sun. The soil can be dry or moist. As far as the weather, it will grow in both hot or cold areas, but needs to germinate in cold weather (or placed […]

A Bit About … Bachelor Button White

Everyone loves a pop of white in their garden! At 30 to 36 inches tall, the Bachelor Button White is easily noticed. They make a nice border when more colorful flowers are planted in front of them. They also look beautiful in a cut flower or dried flower arrangement. They grow very quickly from seed, […]

A Bit About … Bachelor Button Red

I love the look of the Bachelor Button Red! It has a scruffy appearance with a vibrant red color. It stands about 30 to 36 inches tall, their long stems making them an excellent backdrop in your flower garden. Plant them in full sun and in soil that drains well. They are drought tolerant, meaning […]

Best Sprinklers for Small Gardens

I like to do research during this time of year when I don’t have an actual flower garden to keep me busy. Right now, I’m looking into sprinklers that are best for small gardens. I often just use my watering can for these smaller areas, but I’m not against a more convenient and efficient way […]

Crevice Gardens

Who here has heard of such a thing?! I hadn’t. Not until a friend of mine told me about it when they saw the large number of cracks and crevices on my back patio. Personally, I’d already looked into the cost of repouring the concrete there to get rid of what I thought was an […]